30 May 2007

Home Again... Sort Of...

So our two oldest girls are turning into quite the world travelers. Lindsay called this morning to say she had just landed in DC after a couple of "hard work weeks" in Hawaii. Must be rough. In related news, she and the Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps were recently at the Virginia International Tattoo in April. Here's a photo from the Old Guard web site.

More photos and great video of the new show. Be sure to check out the photo at the bottom of the main page!

Although the video is available on the website, here is the very cool show they did. The new drum solo starts at 2:45, btw...

Meanwhile, Jen rolled in this morning at about 4:30am. She has been out west (New Mexico) for over a week visiting friends. Judging from the photos I've seen of the trip, it looks like she had a great time. Here are a few shots that I thieved from her myspace.

"Just one more step back Jen"

Looks like NM has a bit more topography than Michigan.

Pretty cool colors in them hills.


1 comment:

Howard said...

Spectacular photos. Equally spectacular drum solo. I love drums. I played the drums in h.s. marching band. My youngest son currently does too. Any time you're thinking of posting more videos of drums (or of Lance) to your blog, please do!