05 February 2004

"a variety of mental exercises"

"If I seem to my reader to require a great deal, let him consider that it is an orator that is to be educated; an arduous task, even when nothing is deficient for the formation of his character; and that more and more difficult labors yet remain; for there is need of constant study, the most excellent teachers, and a variety of mental exercises."

Quintilian again...

In this fashion shall ye write...

"Write not so that you can be understood but so that you cannot be misunderstood."
Quintilian (1st Century Latin Rhetorician, author of Institutio de Oratoria)

Not easy sometimes...

04 February 2004

Learning from Critics

"I would go further than that and say that I value objective peer review. I always learn more from my critics than from the people who think I'm wonderful."
- William A. Dembski as quoted by Fred Heeren

William Dembski is a mathemetician/philosopher/teacher/author who has written much on the subject of intelligent design. His web site is: http://www.designinference.com/

02 February 2004


VIZZINI: I can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brains.

WESTLEY: You're that smart?

VIZZINI: Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?


VIZZINI: Morons.

That smart???

Tear his arms off...

WESTLEY: Give us the gate key.

YELLIN: I have no gate key.

INIGO: Fezzik, tear his arms off.

YELLIN: Oh, you mean THIS gate key!

Princess Bride...