26 February 2007

Freezer Jam [part 6] - Can't Wait 'Till Next Year!

Thanks to everyone who helped make this weekend such a great one! See you all next year!

Freezer Jam [part 5] - It's About the People, yo!

As with most things, Freezer Jam is, to me, about the people. Personally, I was really thrilled to be able to get my family all in one place (which is rare these days). But it's also about giving the Plymouth kids a chance to let their F&D hair down a bit. It's also nice to catch up with some of the alumni as well.

When the dust settle from this event, the most important memories, for me, are the interactions with people.

Freezer Jam [part 4] - We Got Class(es)!

One of the reasons Freezer Jam is the awesome event it is, is the classes and instructors. We've been going since 2001. Watching the ability of Lindsay and others increase over the years as a result of this event has been awesome. I think that the main result of the classes, though, is enthusiasm. These winter sessions get us over the hump. They keep us interested and excited about Fifing & Drumming!

Josh gets busy with the snares

Bart works with a newer bass player

Cap and Bart work with the new Bass Drummers

Kara helps the beginning fifes

Josh and Rach... Rebels and Dawgs

Sydney and Bekah try some advanced music

Rachel Anne going over music

Beginning fife class

Freezer Jam [part 3] - If You Can't Run With The Big Dawgs...

I watched some of the Dawgs grow up in the Plymouth Corps. We were also fortunate enough to be at their first performance at Deep River 2002 when they wore baseball caps and t-shirts. Suffice it to say that this group has come a long way. The one thing that hasn't changed in the last five years though is the music. These are very talented and passionate folks. This was Jenni's first performance with the Dawgs. Time to get me some D3 gear!

Freezer Jam [part 2] - The Old Guard

I remember the first time I saw the OGFDC. It was the summer of 2000 in DC. They are definitely the best at what they set out to do. What separates this group from all others, for me, is the fact that they are soldiers in the United States Army. Lindsay has been a part of this corps for over a year now.

25 February 2007

Freezer Jam [part 1] - The Rebels Are Coming!

This is why we came. Getting the chance to come together on the Freezer Jam stage. While I'm, of course, really happy to be able to stand up there with all my girls, it's more than that. I really enjoy seeing people from different backgrounds and abilities, various ages and locations come together to play music. This was our third performance, the first being Freezer Jam 2004.

20 February 2007

A Long Drive for a Short Ceremony

These are late, but we went down to Ft. Myer to be a part of the ceremony for Lindsay's promotion to Staff Sergeant. The ceremony was very short, but we got to hang out for a couple days which was great.

Btw, here's the e-mail Lindsay sent me with the photos she sent:

here are the promotion pictures. don't send the gay ones out. just the ones of you guys pining me. or i'll kill you.


19 February 2007

A Very Boo Birthday

Happy Birthday Rachael!