12 February 2006

If you need me...

The studio/office is just about complete. Still going through some things and discarding quite a bit, but it's looking like I imagined. A couple of walls still need a few things hung on them, but I don't really know what to put up there yet (behind the drums and behind the leather chairs). It's a great place to study, play/write/record music and relax.

Boomer seems to be adjusting.

In other news, I got an office shredder the other day. Who knew how incredibly useful/necessary these things were. I feel much safer now (people are always going through our trash on Sunday nights).

Lindsay says they got quite a bit of snow in D.C. Around 8-9" it sounds like. They (her and Kara) were off to some military fashion show or something when I spoke with her this afternoon. Jen and I will be out there sometime over mid-winter break.

Well, if you need me, you know where to find me...

1 comment:

-kylie- said...

that looks really great. :)

man, i want that guitar!