03 March 2007

A Snowy Day in the Woods

Boomer and I got restless...

So we went out to play...

Saw a cool tree...

Played a bit (dude is the best retriever I've ever seen)...

Saw something that reminded me of a natural grave marker...

Went across a couple bridges...

Checked out the creek levels (a couple days ago, the water was about two feet above the ice level. You can see where the snow was washed away on the banks)...

Sat around a bit...

It was a good day.

The "aftermath"...


Howard said...

I'll trade you my two bad dogs for your one good dog. Eh, eh?

Anonymous said...

my dog is the cutest dog in the world. if anyone says otherwise, i'll personally drop kick them in the throat.

i love boomer face.