01 December 2005

No word, but we're going!

Last time we heard anything from Lindsay was on Thanksgiving (the 24th). She had a few challenges left to overcome at that point and we're hoping that everything went well. We'll be leaving Tuesday morning for Missouri. Calendar of events is as follows:

Tuesday, December 6:
6am Leave Canton
7-8pm - Arrive at St. Robert, MO Baymont Inn

Wednesday, December 7:
11am-12pm - Family brief
12pm-6pm - Family PASS (on post)
6pm-8pm - Warrior Banquet

Thursday, December 8:
12pm-8pm - Family PASS (off post)

Friday, December 9:
10am - Soldier Shipping (Lindsay leaves for Ft. Myer, VA)
Remainder of day - Drive home!

Stay tuned for news and photos from Ft. Leonard Wood!

p.s. Congratulations to Kara (Lindsay's friend and fellow Old Guard recruit) who graduates tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow john, Lindsay sure has been through quite a bit. As a vet & uncle, I'm very proud of her accomplishments!