30 April 2007

One Year

One year ago today an amazing thing happened. First Call Basement Waterproofing, L.L.C became a reality. Happy one year anniversary! The past year has been a real roller coaster. Right now the business is in a valley, having wound up my first year with a few down months and the worst month so far (April). I've learned to roll with the punches though. Hopefully a bit of rain is around the corner (never thought I'd say THAT) and things will pick up.

This anniversary, of course, takes me back to last year at this time. What a stressful time. Found out mom had cancer on April 20th, lost my job April 28th, started the business May 1st and then had to put it all on hold for a few weeks when mom died on May 15th. It all seems like such a blur looking back. Sort of like a dream. My life (and, to some extent, the stress on my family) has changed so dramatically since then. There is good and bad. Give and take.

Being my own boss is challenging to be sure. When it's good, it's very good, but when it's bad... look out. All said, I wouldn't trade it for anything at the moment, but check back with me at the second anniversary. I'll do my best to make sure First Call is still around.


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