06 October 2006

Down Goes Natiw!!!

So... Al and I just returned from a nice 25 miler in the hills. We're sitting there (on our bikes) talking. I decide to ride around in circles for a minute to run Boomer a little. As I come to a complete stop, I unclip my LEFT shoe... and suddenly realize I'm leaning RIGHT. Not good. Needless to say (but I will anyway), I could not unclip the right shoe fast enough and hit the street hard. My helmet cracked really loudly when I went down (this is why we wear helmets kids!).

Anyway, besides a scraped hand (I had taken my cycling gloves off, of course), bruised behind and a cut knee I guess I'm none the worse for wear (except for my wounded pride, of course). My seat came off the bike though (not the entire seat, just the actual cushion part). Not sure how to go about fixing THAT. Sounds like another trip to see Dan.

So, yeah... I guess I'm an official cyclist now. Woo!

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