01 October 2006

Time & Distance

So I re-named my blog. Not a big deal, I know. But I've been thinking about the whole "It's About Time" title. Seems to me that "Time & Distance" conveys more of what I was thinking of. Time is vitally important in life, to be sure. But so is distance. Covering ground is so important. Not necessarily "travelling" or whatnot. Just moving. Being productive. Getting from A to B. Could be a trip to the store for bread or walking the dog. Maybe it's visiting a relative in a far off country or biking the shoreline of a nearby lake.

Some people get a lot of time in this life. Others, not so much. So maybe the distance we cover is at least as important as the time we have been given. I read a quote some years ago that went something like this:

"I'm not so much interested in adding years to my life as I am in adding life to my years."

Time & Distance... indeed.


I am Z said...

nice post -- thanks -- good to read something meaningful every now and then. :)


Anonymous said...

Time and Distance...I like the name change. It sounds like it is more about action taking place here and now, while at the same time nods at the continuum of efforts past and those to come.

- Carolyn