09 November 2005

"Do you hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability..."

Came across another one of those entertaining quiz thingies. This one tries to pinpoint which movie villian you most closely resemble. Turns out I am the one person I fear.... Agent Smith. Dude scares the life out of me...

Favorite Agent Smith quotes:

[hearing the coming subway]: "Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability."

"I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it."

"You are a plague, and we are the cure."

"Never send a human to do a machine's job."

Lieutenant: "I think we can handle one little girl".
Agent Smith: "No, Lieutenant. Your men are already dead."

"I am the Alpha of your Omega. I am the beginning of your end."

Hmm... I think I actually like this guy after all...

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