19 November 2005

She sounds pretty rough

Lindsay gave us a phone call today (30 minutes!!!). She sounds really sick. She missed her chance to go to the Doctor's today, so she has to wait until Monday now. Problem is, her PT test is Tuesday. She seems to be keeping her chin up, but is just really physically drained. She needs all the support we can give her for these last couple weeks.

She has a few really important milestones coming up. Her PT test is next week, a 10k road march another FTX and a 15k road march. She also has to make up a push-ups test. These are all going to take every last bit of strength she has it seems. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She said she would be able to call again tomorrow.

On a scheduling note, she will be shipping directly to Ft. Myer on December 9th (right after graduation). Right now it looks like she will be coming home on December 19th and going back to Virginia on January 3rd.

And finally:
18 days until we see her!!!!
20 days until she graduates!!!
30 days until she's HOME!!!!

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