14 January 2007


So yesterday's post was a sort of rant about the cruddy weather we've been having in Michigan and its effect on me (this is MY blog, after all). Even though I haven't seen a single ray of sunshine in what seems like forever, I'm feeling a bit better about this whole winter thing tonight.

I think the reason is perspective.

The dictionary defines perspective as follows:

per·spec·tive (pər-spěk'tĭv)
1. A view or vista.
2. A mental view or outlook: "It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present" (Fabian Linden).
3. The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole: a perspective of history; a need to view the problem in the proper perspective.
4. Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view: the perspective of the displaced homemaker.
5. The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance: tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.

So what is it that has changed my perspective on this whole winter blah thing? I think it's movement. I know I've mentioned this kind of thing before, but bear with me. Movement... Not in the sense that I'm in another place. But in the sense that I've taken the time to move these past few days. I had not gotten the chance to run or cycle all week this week, but Saturday and Sunday I managed to get 65 miles in on the bike. Outside (which, I believe, is important). So how does riding a bike 65 miles in freezing temperatures change one's perspective on winter?

Even though I ended up in the exact same place physically each time, my sense of perspective has changed. My mind is not in the same place it was Friday. I don't believe this is something permanent, btw. After a few days, I'll likely be back to my grouchy, impatient self.

And it will be time to get away. To the place I started. All over again.

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