17 January 2007

Prescription - Filled!

Days like today get me through winter. The sun came out! All day long I got to drive around the city and witness the amazing light show that nature put on! Everywhere I went (especially when heading south) the sun was twinkling through the ice which was still coating all the trees. It was like driving down a "diamond tree" lined path. About the only thing that could've made today better would've been to get a ride in. Alas, work prevented.

So, I got my required dose of UV rays and winter beauty today. And I didn't have to wait in a "waiting room" for an hour to get it.


(btw, that photo was taken by a late friend of mine last year in Alaska. It was cold.)


Howard said...

Negative 43F? That's just nasty.

Tomorrow's another day and another chance to ride. Gonna get up to 34F where I live. That's practically summer!

John Natiw said...

Yeah it is (nasty). Joe said it was so cold up there that they had to plug in their vehicles overnight so that they would start in the morning. And they couldn't use regular extension cords. They have these "special" ones (I think he said they were blue) that are strong enough to not snap after being out all night.

I'd need another layer to ride in that!

Howard said...

Another layer? Wimp. [intended in the nicest possible way, of course.] Just ride faster to get it over with quicker.

John Natiw said...

Funny you should say that. A guy passed me on my ride today. As he was slowly moving around me I said "how you doing?" He replies "trying to get warm". I said "ride faster!"

He attacked the rollers ahead and was gone in short order.

Great. I see one other rider in the last week and say something that causes him to drop me like a bad habit. LOL.....

Howard said...

Bet he was grateful for the advice, though.

Staying on-topic (ala BikeJournal), I doubt there are enough layers in the universe to protect a cyclist at negative 43F. Don't ever intend to find out.

John Natiw said...

Honestly, I had not given riding in negative 43 degrees a second's thought. I stand by the temp rule. Degrees = miles to ride. So... in -43 weather, I can take a couple days off. At least.