30 September 2005

The Road Less Travelled

One of my favorite things about my job is that I drive around quite a bit. Taking the "road well travelled" gets old in a hurry, so I'm always looking for a new way to a familiar place. Years ago, I started using a different path to the east side. Most of it is on fairly bland roads, but there is this one small road, Pine Lake Road, that has some amazing scenery. First, the houses are simply spectacular. Second, the views of the lake are great because as you're driving you're only about 10 feet from the actual shore (one of these days I'm going to be having my truck pulled out of Pine Lake).

Seems that today was one of those special moments when everything came together for a few great photos. The early fall sun was at the right angle. The time of day was perfect and the lake was on her best behavior. Not to mention the fact that I have recently been moved to notice the little moments that I may normally let slip by.

29 September 2005

No News and a Long Run

Lindsay called last night from the airport in St. Louis. She landed safely and was waiting for the bus to take her on a three hour ride to Fort Leonard Wood. Today would've been her first day of "in processing." I think the actual "drill sergeant in your face" training starts next week, but I'm not sure. Was hoping she might call from the fort today, but she may not be able to. May have to wait for a letter before we know what training brigade and "company" she's in.

Had a nice long run today. First one in awhile. Did the Newburgh Lake loop (about 6 miles). It was nice to have such great scenery to look at while running. It was a stunning early fall day. Cool temps with a great sky. I have that "pleasantly fatigued" thing working right now. Like when you know you've done something that pushed your limits a bit and, yet, you wouldn't mind a little more. I think I'm gonna really sleep good tonight.

Oh, and I bought an Army flag today. It's hanging off the house already. I'm so lame. At least that's what she would say if she were here...

28 September 2005

She's On Her Way

Lindsay's swearing in ceremony took place at 10:15am this morning. She is officially in the US Army. We left her at the airport about an hour ago and her flight will be leaving in a few minutes.

It was strange to see so many young people leaving for basic training today with no one there to support them or say goodbye. Lindsay had a large "entourage" with her most of the day. Our whole family was there with grandma B as well as Lindzy and her mom. It was nice to have so much support.

Hopefully she will continue to draw on the love and strength of her family for the next 10 weeks and the rest of her life.

27 September 2005

One More Day...

It's a bit quiet in this house tonight. Not that it's never been quiet before, but this is a different quiet. She won't be back here for a while now. We still get to see her tomorrow morning, but not here. Not in this house. Not until December.

I already know what I want for Christmas this year.

26 September 2005

Family Dinners....

Family dinners will not be the same for awhile. Lindsay picked Cracker Barrel (of course). Grandpa and grandma B, grandma Ruth as well as uncle Rick and aunt Diana were all there. It was a nice evening. Chicken & dumplings with extra dumplings all around. Why do I always feel like I weigh twice as much as I do when I get done eating there?

These days have had their share of stress and anxiety for all of us. I think we're doing fine though. Tonight is her last night in the house for awhile. Tomorrow we'll go to breakfast and maybe get some lunch. After that we'll take her to the recruiters office at around 5pm. The next time we see her she'll be swearing in to active duty in the military Wednesday morning. Then, off to the airport where we'll say goodbye for a couple months.

That's really how we have to look at this. It's not forever. Just for a few months at a time. Seems to make it more managable. So why am I already looking forward to Christmas?

Fall Color Watch

Been wanting to do something like this for some time. Took a photo of the area behind the house today. Am planning on updating with a new photo every week to document the color change here. First photo is taken today, Monday, September 26, 2005. The weather has been warm for some time. It is supposed to cool down pretty significantly in the next week or two. We'll see how this affects the colors. You can click the small photo to see it full size.

25 September 2005

A run in the rain, a "tragic tale of romance" and a REALLY funky hat...

Got a nice run in this afternoon before church. Was lightly raining the whole way, but not enough to affect the run. Was kind of relaxing actually. I know I've only been back out there a couple weeks, but I can't wait until I actually "feel like a runner" again. I know it takes time though.

Lindsay got the brilliant idea of getting the whole family to see a show tonight (yes, on a Sunday night). So, we all loaded up and went to see The Corpse Bride at a nearly empty theater. The popcorn line was non-existent. Sweet! It was a very strange (but in a good way) movie. Whoever thinks this stuff up is either a genius or needs therapy. Death is definitely painted in a strange and colorful way.

Jen and Mary seem to have had a great weekend "up north" with Rachel and Bekah. The highlight (for me at least) has to be the hat that Jen and Rachel Anne bought together. It's a classic. See?

Off to bed. Work Monday then off Tuesday and Wednesday.

Spirit of America - Cleveland

In Cleveland this weekend to catch the Spirit of America show at the Gund Arena. Before the show we got the chance to do a little walking around at the Tower City Mall just up the street. This place is truly amazing. There were a ton of photo-ops from the architecture alone. All the glass was pretty impressive as shown in the photo below.

Later, we met up with the Flemings and Riggios for the show. It was just like the Twilight Tattoo we saw while visiting Washington DC in 2000 with the PFDC, but with some great enhancements made possible with the show being in an arena. It's hard to believe Lindsay will be a part of the Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps in a few short weeks. Three more days...

Off for a run. And it's raining.

23 September 2005

Five Days...

Lindsay is leaving for basic training in five days. It's starting to get real now. We had an "open house" (which is hilarious, because our house is always "open") tonight and lots of friends and family showed up. It was a nice tribute to a great young lady. One friend brought her a "basic training kit" which included Ben Gay and Motrin and other assorted helpful items. It was awesome and very thoughtful.

All of this is NOT to say that the usual bizarre events did not take place in our home tonight. See photo evidence below of "usual bizarre events."

I would have to say this may be my favorite photo from the evening. In case you're wondering, it's Rachael's hamster on one of Lindsay's friends heads. Yeah....

Got to show "Big Dawg" and "Dawg Catcher" (if you don't know who that is, you probably never will) part of the PowerPoint presentation tonight. They loved it and said it looked like a great season of fife & drum. They would know.

Earlier today I bailed out of work early to pick up my mom from the nursing home and take her home (finally). Did a bit of shopping with her. I cannot believe cigarettes are almost $50 a carton. Highway robbery if you ask me. But then no one is asking me... especially mom.

Off to Cleveland tomorrow to see the Spirit of America show at Gund Arena. I'm glad Lindsay and the rest of us get to see the Old Guard one more time before she ships out. Should be very confidence building. It's gonna be a long couple months for everyone after this weekend.

22 September 2005

The Night Was Electric...

Was about to go for a run earlier today, but dinner was ready (and it was roast beef and mashed potatoes). So... change in plans. Decided to run after dinner. During dinner it started storming quite a bit. Lots of lightning, rain and wind. We closed up all the windows and waited it out.

After dinner, I waited a bit and checked the weather. Looked like there would be a break between two lines of storms. Headed out about 8:30pm and was struck by the mugginess in the air. Not long into the run, I knew this was going to be "one of those runs you remember forever." Everywhere I looked, the sky was lighting up. Not just to the east like I thought it might (the storm having just passed), but every direction. There was no rain or thunder. Only light. The entire sky would just light up about every 15-20 seconds. Amazing. Off to the showers.

Oh, and it's raining again...

21 September 2005

My "Drive to Seize the Human Soul..."

ok... this one is going to take some explaining. Lindsay was messing around with this political test last night. Looked fun, so I told her I wanted to take it. I was mildly amused by the results and had her send me the html for it. What follows is apparently my political idealogy.

You are a

Social Conservative
(35% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(31% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

By the way, the definition of totalitarian is:

"Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed: “A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.). "

Wow... and all this time I thought I was a Republican...

Weight Loss

Weight loss seems to be both simple and bewildering to me. One one hand, it is one of the most profitable businesses in the United States. Companies make millions with their "plans." On the other hand, this nation is probably one of the most overweight nations in the world. In the media and across the lunch table, people debate the "current weight loss program."

I am in the minority it seems. At 43, I have rarely needed to lose weight. Until about a year ago that is.

Last year I got up to about 195 and decided it was time to slim down. I started running again and added biking as well. As was always the case in my active life, I didn't lose weight. So I decided that more "drastic action" may be required. I monitored my caloric intake for about a week and found that I was taking in about 4500 calories a day. Seeing this, I decided to limit my intake to 2000 a day. My weight went down to 175 in a few months. Simple right?

Now, I'd love to tell you that I'm 175 today, but I'm back up around 185 (unfortunately, I did not continue to monitor my caloric intake these last few months). And it seems to be time for me to lose a little again. Actually, I feel like I need to just "move." And, as you might imagine, "moving" is much easier at 175 than 195. A friend recently voiced a few ideas about how important it is for the human body to move. I agree.

So even though Lindsay and I have been running a bit the last few weeks, I got back out on the roads myself today. Also, I plan on monitoring my caloric intake over the next few weeks to cut down what I'm sure is "too many" every day!

I'm hoping to get down to around 175 by Thanksgiving (ironic, I know). Also, I'd like to run in the Dexter to Ann Arbor Half Marathon next June. Results will be posted here as I progress.

20 September 2005

The Beauty of Life...

With so much going on in our family, it seemed like a good idea to get a new camera (especially considering the last one isn't working quite right after an outing to the beach).

These things have gotten much more affordable lately and I managed to pick up a 5 megapixel Kodak camera for under $250. Of course, it took a different kind of memory than I already had, so I had to get a new card, etc.

Anyway, with all that's going on, I should have lots of good photos to post. This first one is me messing with the "macro" feature. It's a photo of one of the sound boards in the basement where I record music. Thought it kinda looked cool.

after some time away...

Well after some time away, I've come back to post my thoughts and ideas here for a bit. I guess I find checking out other people's lives, thoughts etc. interesting, so I thought I'd get back to posting some things myself.

It seems to help in the creative side of things to have a place to share/vent/ponder. Hopefully this process will help my teaching and songwriting.

So this is where you'll find me. Be back with more to say soon. Oh, and that's Boomer in the photo there...