30 September 2005

The Road Less Travelled

One of my favorite things about my job is that I drive around quite a bit. Taking the "road well travelled" gets old in a hurry, so I'm always looking for a new way to a familiar place. Years ago, I started using a different path to the east side. Most of it is on fairly bland roads, but there is this one small road, Pine Lake Road, that has some amazing scenery. First, the houses are simply spectacular. Second, the views of the lake are great because as you're driving you're only about 10 feet from the actual shore (one of these days I'm going to be having my truck pulled out of Pine Lake).

Seems that today was one of those special moments when everything came together for a few great photos. The early fall sun was at the right angle. The time of day was perfect and the lake was on her best behavior. Not to mention the fact that I have recently been moved to notice the little moments that I may normally let slip by.

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