25 September 2005

A run in the rain, a "tragic tale of romance" and a REALLY funky hat...

Got a nice run in this afternoon before church. Was lightly raining the whole way, but not enough to affect the run. Was kind of relaxing actually. I know I've only been back out there a couple weeks, but I can't wait until I actually "feel like a runner" again. I know it takes time though.

Lindsay got the brilliant idea of getting the whole family to see a show tonight (yes, on a Sunday night). So, we all loaded up and went to see The Corpse Bride at a nearly empty theater. The popcorn line was non-existent. Sweet! It was a very strange (but in a good way) movie. Whoever thinks this stuff up is either a genius or needs therapy. Death is definitely painted in a strange and colorful way.

Jen and Mary seem to have had a great weekend "up north" with Rachel and Bekah. The highlight (for me at least) has to be the hat that Jen and Rachel Anne bought together. It's a classic. See?

Off to bed. Work Monday then off Tuesday and Wednesday.

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