01 October 2005

7B Rocks... and a Phone Call (finally)!

Today was a good, but very challenging day for our band Seven Bridges. We had a great gig at the Annual South Lyon Pumpkin Festival. The crowd was good sized and very enthusiastic. It was also nice to not have to run our own sound for this show. Everyone said we sounded very good (not a guarantee when someone else runs the board for you). Also, the weather was just fantastic. About 70 degrees with nothing but sunshine.

The challenging part stemmed from the fact that two of our band members had their older brother pass away Friday evening. They talked about it before the show and decided to go through with it. It had to be a very difficult decision.

Right before the show (during sound check, actually) my phone rang. I answered it and it was Lindsay!!! She wondered what all the sound was, so I told her. She only had about three minutes to talk so I handed the phone over to Karen. She got to talk to her for a bit before we started to play. Seems she is actually "enjoying" boot camp so far. I think this validates my idea that the "drill sergeant in your face" phase has not started yet. Anyway, she said she was in good spirits and she seemed to really like the other girls she was with. She did not have an address yet, so she promised to send a postcard ASAP with the info.

After we played, a band made up of three young guys (probably high school aged) played. They were more in the punk genre, but they seemed to be pretty good musicians. Kinda fun. A few of us sat on hay bales for a bit and watched.

Before we left we had our obligatory "funnel cakes." Yummy... Unfortunately, all the food I ate kinda killed my desire to go for a run this evening. Wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she ever found out who eats the crickets..

-rachel anne