08 October 2005

Apparently Johnny Depp is still hot

New letter... on very official looking US Army stationary...

Dear everyone,
Hey. I'm sitting in the general hall right now. We're waiting to do... something. haha. I think we're going to the PX (store) to get anything we forgot or lost. I mailed a postcard to you all today. I don't know when you get it. Probably in 2 or 3 days. bah - I need to know my address soon. I really want a letter already. I need one. So, as soon as you get the letter with my address, you HAVE to write me back the minute you read it. Send me pictures too. And pictures of Halloween too. Make sure you tell everyone in fife & drum to WRITE ME or I'll die. Anyways, how is Boomer? Aww... I miss my puppy. I've been having fun & stuff, but I have my moments (duh). We watched a movie yesterday because we had nothing else better to do. lol. It had JOHNNY DEPP in it! It's called "Platoon" or whatever. Soooo hotttttt. (haha, sorry, but he is). Wooooo.. So How are you all doing? Make sure to answer my questions in your letters back. I want one from everyone, not just one from everyone as a whole. It'll give me something to do during personal time. Woo! I need letters! ;o) How is school going guys? Hope you're having fun! Everyone is pretty cool over here. Sorry if you can't read my writing too well. I'm writing on my Smart Book. I'm supposed to be studying. Oops. lol... So, I'm gonna go. Hope to hear from you soon! Love you all!

Stay tuned... as soon as we have it, you'll have it!

1 comment:

-kylie- said...

I love reading these letters from your daughter. It reminds me of getting letters from my ex-boyfriend while he was away at war. "I need a letter". I hope she gets one soon! And hearing "the PX"... haven't heard that in a while! :)