11 October 2005

Word from Ft. Lost in the woods...

Got another really nice letter today. This one was postmarked October 8, so it would have been before the "rough phone call." Seems like her state of mind was pretty positive when she wrote it. She also included her address in this one. It is just slightly different from what I posted the other day, but if you sent any letters, they should get there no problem. Here is the address (updated) and the letter:

SPC Natiw
A-2-10 INF 2nd PLT
3rd TNG BDE Unit 12
FLW, MO 65473

Don't forget to write the number 2 on the back of the envelope! On to the letter...

Dear everyone,
Hey guys! Well, it's official. You now have a kid in boot camp. Haha. You all should see these drill sergeants. They get so mad, it's ridiculous. Wanna know what else is ridiculous? These stupid glasses I have to wear. Yeah, that's a pleasant sight, lol. But, yeah, I got my address so WRITE ME AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS. SERIOUSLY. Dad, send G-mamma the address and tell everyone in fife & drum to WRITE ME OR I'LL DIE. I can't wait to hear from you all. My first letter will be really exciting. I'll tear it open faster than Mary turns the TV on. Haha. Lame, I know, but I'm like living the Amish life here, lol. I saw a car today and forgot that I knew how to drive.

I'm really excited about boot camp though. Every day there is a graduation. I always see civilians walking around in normal clothes and graduated soldiers with their families and all I think is "that's gonna be me in a couple months, keep your head up and you'll see everyone in awhile." It sucks but I gotta get over it. I deal with the pain by screaming "YES DRILL SGT.!!!"

The first day I got here they made us pick up our 90-100lb. duffle bags and hold them over our heads. It was PAINFUL! I seriously can't even describe the pain. I almost broke my neck. The straps fell around my neck under my chin, but I threw it and flipped it over so it didn't do anything. I'm really sore now though. Anyways, 10 minutes till lights out. I gotta go. I love you guys. Write me and send me a crap load of photos. I'm tryin' hard!


Hoping that any letters sent after Sunday's phone call reach her quickly. Given that Monday was Columbus Day, I'm thinking she should have some by Friday!

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