21 October 2005

We have a natural leader!

This letter is dated October 17 and postmarked the 18th:

Hey! Well, it's about 9:50am right now. Which probably means it's 10:50am over there. I'm sitting outside waiting to be picked up from the doctor's office. I've been here since about 7:00am. It sucks! There are so many people here. Everyone is sick with the same thing. I have a nasty flem cough, runny nose and a pulled groin in my right leg, and in inflamed muscle on the bottome of my neck. Yeah, I'm having fun! I'm hoping I don't get banged up too bad so I can still train and graduate on time. If I keep getting hurt, they'll keep me here and restart me from day zero in another company. So, trust me, I'm trying my hardest and to get better and do what I have to do, but it's really hard. The road march is gonna kill. I just want to graduate and see you guys already.

I've been talking to all the week 7's and 8's and 4's and they all cringe when I tell them I'm only in week two, haha. I just wanna get this over with. I repelled down a 45 foot high tower the other day. It was so fun. I had to tie the harness myself. I also am on weapons detail, meaning I hand out all the M-16's. And I'm in charge of restocking the bathroom supplies. Oh yeah, and I was a suicide babysitter. A girl threatened to commit suicide if she didn't get to to home, so I had to follow her around everywhere she went. Yeah, I've been having lots of responsibilities lately. I don't mind. I actually kind of like the "leader position."

Every day I go to eat lunch chow I always see graduated soldiers with their families and I keep thinking/hoping that will be me in about seven weeks or so. Did you get the typed graduation letter yet? Tell me what it said. I wasn't allowed to open it.

I went to Church yesterday. I have to say, I was REALLY glad when I went because I saw it was right CoC. Meaning we sang songs (out of the same book!), took the Lord's Supper, got a lesson and sang more! Woo! Some songs we sang yesterday were:

Sing to Me of Heaven
Sing and Be Happy
Anywhere with Jesus
Our God, He is Alive
Lord, I'm coming Home

I was even more glad when we sang the ones I knew. But yeah, it's getting to be where I'm out of room (on the page) and I gotta get going. I love you guys and I'll hopefully see you around December 9th or so. Keep sending mail! I'd rather do 100 pushups for getting letters than no pushups and no mail! Write back!


p.s. Jen - send me my friends page!
Mary and Rachael - draw me pictures!
Mom and dad - I love you!

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