03 October 2005

One Last Time...

Tonight was the last PFDC practice of the year. Traditionally it is a fun time as corps members exchange places. You're likely to see a bass drummer playing (used loosely) a fife, or a guard member on snare. If I'm not mistaken, I think I even saw our drum instructor Brad on bass drum... using snare sticks. *shudder*

We have one more event left on the schedule. One of my favorites... Caro. I always look foward to this parade. Usually I am up at the property hunting that weekend so I just meet the corps downtown after church and then take one of the girls hunting afterwards. This year, I'll be leading the group up and back, so hunting will have to take a back seat. Somewhere, deep in the deer woods of Tuscola County Michigan, Bambi is celebrating.

After practice, a bunch of us went to Zach's one last time. Onion rings and a strawberry shake for me. Mark's dad and I sat together and talked a bit about the corps, church, our kids and, of course, Lindsay. One of the best things about this group is the parents I get to work with. Truly wonderful people who understand the dynamics and benefit of the corps for their kids as well as their families.

Here's to another great season! *clinks strawberry shake glass into monitor*

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